The Maryland Assembly on School Based Health Care (MASBHC) was created in 1997 as an advocacy organization to represent School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) in response to changes to reimbursement to school based health centers in Maryland and the growing number of school based health centers in the state. Dr. Peter Beilenson, former Baltimore City Health Commissioner, appointed MASBHC’s first executive board, which then went on to create the infrastructure of the organization including its laws and membership rules. State grant funding has supported MASBHC since its inception. These funds are used to support the technical assistance and training component of the organization.
MASBHC has a multi-disciplinary membership that is central to its identity. It has had an all-volunteer staff and leadership throughout its history with the exception of 2005 through 2009. During this time there was a paid executive director and staff funded by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
MASBHC was initially a state chapter of and has now become an official state affiliate of the National Assembly on School Based Health Care. Today, MASBHC is the leading advocacy voice for Maryland’s 77 school based health centers. The organization has been central in supporting funding for school based health centers in Maryland and nationally. Most recently, MASBHC worked with the state’s Medicaid office to change regulations around reimbursement for care in SBHCs, and continues to represent the interests of SBHC in ongoing health care reform.
MASBHC is a 501c3 organization.
MD Resolution Honoring Maryland SBHCs!
On February 9, 2024, Speaker Adrienne Jones recognized MD SBHCs for their efforts in supporting Maryland’s most vulnerable students with a resolution honoring National SBHC Awareness Month. Representatives from the MASBHC and MDH SBHC Program attended the ceremony. Thanks to Delegate Julie Palakovich Carr for her support in obtaining the resolution.

Maryland Assembly on School Based Health Care
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